
i will love you till the end of t i m e


07-05-2013, 11:21 AM

The howl that reached her ears alerted Ocena to the approach of Gargoyle, and the female turned towards her mate with a joyous smile upon her maw. In the air behind her, her tail waved enthusiastically as Gargoyle raced up to her, skidding to a stop as he bumped his nose lightly against hers. She smiled, moving to nudge him lightly as they wrapped themselves together. They fit together so perfectly, despite the size difference. It was just another reason that she loved him so dearly. "Hello," Her greeting was soft as she buried her nose in his thick fur, breathing his scent in deeply.

His next words took her a moment to answer as Ocena remained curled against the massive form of her mate. "It's different . . . but I think I like it." Ocena spoke thoughtfully, "It's a bit of a change, but change is a part of life. I think we'll be happy here." It was only a pity that the challenger couldn't have come for Tortuga's lands instead of challenging Gargoyle. Then she would have had a pack and they would have their old home. But ah well. Things would work out, of that Ocena was sure.

Turning a sharp eye on her mate, Ocena examined Gargoyle thoughtfully. "And how are you doing, my love? Are the injuries healing?" Again she fought down the image of Gargoyle laying injured upon the ground, very nearly dead. But he was almost the picture of health now. He looked a damn sight better than he had then. And for that, Ocena thanked the powers that were. She had been terrified that she would lose him. But he was all right now, and looking as irresistible as ever.
