
When world comes knocking! I knock Back! [Brandr]



6 Years
02-25-2018, 01:08 AM
Splashing around the shore, she moved restlessly before settling back on the shore and returning to her previous activities. Sitting, staring at nothing, soaking sore paws. Blah, boring! The rosy woman was considering splashing out to the rock sitting in the middle of the lake when she heard a voice off to her left, jumping slightly but quickly recovering and delivering a cheery smile. "Don't worry, you haven't. I'm near impossible to disturb, especially when my boredom is cured by a new face. I'm Iskra Aeris, nice to meet you."

Taking in his scent, she canted her head and eyed him with curious blue eyes for a bit before lighting up as she asked, "Say, you're a pack wolf, aren't you? What's your pack called?" she hadn't smelled this one before, which meant this was one of the packs that she was supposed to visit with Rory! Wait, where was he? No matter, she didn't need him yet if this guy turned out to be easy to talk to.

For a moment she seemed to take on a far away look as she thought maybe she was forgetting something... Oh, wait,s he should explain! "Sorry, that was out of the blue, you see I'm trying to track down all the packs and see if anyone's seen a particular family of wolves up here in Boreas. I live in Auster and the pack I was in was challenged fro and taken by them. I wanna know more about them, and," a look that was a mix of mischievous and proud took over her features as she delivered the last bit of information, "I've made a deal with one of them that I want to use for... something. Well, I haven't really figured that bit out too well yet, but I'm supposed to bring one of them herbs and things in return for a favor of my choosing." Yeah, it was basically a perfect deal. How had she even pulled that off? If she wasn't a 'spirit' to those wolves she probably wouldn't have.

Eyeing Brandr she wondered if that was too much at once. Sure,s he could have made small talk a while, but beating around the bush was annoying and she far preferred to be direct and just talk about things.