
I could surely get lost


07-05-2013, 01:33 PM
Her reaction was another that he hadn't quite been expecting, why he was doing it seemed a bit much to grasp from a wolf who had never been on her own before. "Well, why wouldn't I? I enjoy running, and I don't have anyone else but myself to look out for. It's fun." He smiled, attempting at convincing her it was not an entirely useless endeavor. Maybe he'd be able to give her a glimpse into his life. It was a far cry from the life of a pack.
Her next question was another that went down in the unexpected category. If she had not been so curious he would have thought it rude. Not that he cared, she was just curious, he took her gaze in and gentry responded to her. "Of course it is. It's just as alright as being together. It's just different." He smiled, there was never a point in his life where he questioned his lonership. It was almost preferred to that of pack life. He was entirely free of all authority. He was a bit less protected, but he never did anything to get in trouble. The life of a rogue had been kind to him.

[Image: tablebottom.jpg]