
I'll eat you whole


07-05-2013, 02:06 PM

He usually wasn't one to be telling strangers about his life, but Alena had been kind of enough to offer up her services to him, and she was simply asking a curious question. There was no harm in it and Demonio found himself easily being able to clue her to what has happening within his family. As strange as it was to divulge something like that to a practical stranger, he felt rather relieved that someone finally knew what was going on with him, even if that someone didn't particularly care but was making the effort to look like she did. Regardless of her caring or not, the ivory brute was just glad that she had been so willing to help him in his search. Perhaps her help would turn up something.

Even though his search had taken him all over Alacritis, surprisingly he hadn't run into any rogues or any kind of threatening predator like he had when Desdemona had wandered off on her own that one occasion. Flashbacks of that day replayed in his mind as he walked with Alena, and a dreadful feeling punched him in the gut. What if she had gotten ambushed like that again? But this time by a band of rogue wolves? His companion's question broke him from his thoughts, large ivory mass coming to a halt, audits twitching to attention. There was a rustling, as if there was another wolf in the area, and Demonio knew he wasn't just hearing things. I did. It looks like we might have company. Just moment after he'd spoke a small pack of rogues, consisting of five, all ranging in shades from black to brown, emerged from practically nowhere, coming to circle the pair, muzzle crinkled as snarls erupted from multiple jaws.

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