
What Hurts The Most


07-05-2013, 02:22 PM (This post was last modified: 07-05-2013, 02:23 PM by Gael.)

His heart pounded in his chest, the blood roaring in his ears as time seemed to slow down around the pair. He had just confessed to Mei that he liked her. How would she take that? He had never had experience with a woman before, but from his observations, he was more or less able to tell when one held feelings for another. And that's what he was seeing from his new friend, unless he was completely wrong and she was sending mixed signals. But he didn't think he was wrong. Was he making it pretty obvious that he felt something towards her? He took a moment and thought back to the times they'd spent together, analyzing his gestures, noticing that he was pretty touchy feely with her. Was he telling her through his actions that he liked her? He could remember whenever he'd happen across couples that they would be very touchy feely, nuzzling and kissing each other, hardly ever allowing a moment of space to separate their bodies. And that's pretty much what he'd been doing with the little woman. Would she like someone like him, so young and rather inexperienced?

I can, I really can... I know this whole situation has been a whirlwind and it all happened so fast... and I know that you are young. I'm not going to ask you to run away with me or anything as dramatic as that, I couldn't pull you away from your pack or your family, but if you feel like in your heart you really do like me... well, I'll find a way for this to work. And then time all of sudden came back in one crashing moment, his heart slamming into his chest a gentle smile broke across his fa?ade. She liked him. She really did. A sense of pride welled up in his chest, making him lay a little taller, a deep crimson blush, hidden beneath his dark fur bloom across his fa?ade at her kiss. Well after today, I don't think that running away will have to be an option. I plan on bringing you to Valhalla, when you feel comfortable enough, I'm not going to rush you into anything, but I want you to come live with me in Valhalla. I want you to be a part of my life because I like you Meili, and I really, really like spending time with you. He nuzzle her cheek, returning the affectionate kiss, cerulean gaze tender as it roamed across her face, unable to believe that such a beautiful woman could like someone like him.

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