
Doctor, Doctor Gimme the News

Sparrow I


7 Years
02-27-2018, 12:46 PM
When Sparrow explained the scarring to the man, he made a quip about his face not being pretty to begin with, earning a light laugh from the small women. She thought about spouting back a "nooo, you're pretty" but then she realized he was kind of pretty. After her second of hesitation, the moment was lost and the words never escaped her lips.

She started with his face, cleaning the wound as well as she could without getting too terribly in his space. Okay, that was a lie. Sparrow couldn't possibly be more in his space right now.

Okay, that was a lie too. She could on account of one thing, she realized, and her face flushed. She shoved the thought out of her mind. Why couldn't she ever just heal someone without feeling like she was invading their space?

After she cleaned the area, she chewed and applied a generous amount of the earth smoke and dandelion mix. That should help it to heal a bit. She tried to cap it off with bits of horsetail, but she doubted it would really stay on a place that moved as much as the face.

Sparrow moved to the leg. If it was poison, she doubted she should clean it with her mouth. Using water was risky too since it could introduce more bacteria. If it had been two days, then most of the poison had probably metabolized. If it was a burn, even by fire, she didn't need to go scratching it up with her tongue.

Instead, Sparrow applied a thick layer of the earth smoke and dandelion mix, padding it with lambs ear and binding it with the horsetail.

After treating his wounds, Sparrow looked up at him, licking around her maw to rid herself of the bitter herb flavor.