
The world keeps passing me by



10 Years
02-27-2018, 10:27 PM
The energy between them was thick with excitement at Caelum's news and Sparrows subsequent reaction. Caelum was overjoyed to hear that they would be welcomed as members - how could she not be, when it was the first good news she'd had since... well, having Caelestis, she supposed. "That's good to hear! I'm looking forward to being a member here and having a purpose." Whether or not she'd speak of it aloud, it was clear to Caelum that she was drawn to pack life. To helping others and living within a community. It was just who she was, an inescapable part of her personality.

Taking in Sparrow's response, Caelum would add, "Now's as good a time as any." If that wasn't an understatement she didn't know what was. Depending on what Sparrow found out, there could be very real threats looming on the horizon. Caelum wasn't exactly a pro fighter, so now seemed like a good time to start brushing up on the topic. Yes, now that she'd thought of it she would have to start working on getting back into her best imitation of fighting shape. She wasn't totally decrepit and old yet, anyways.

"I would love it, really. I'm sure Zeph would have fun teaching, it'd give him that little ego boost he doesn't deserve," she chuckled, already imagining his reaction to the request with what she hoped was a relatively high degree of accuracy. She fixed Sparrow with a warm smile. The little brown and white alpha was growing on her quite a bit. Maybe it was because she reminded Cae of some of her kids, or maybe it was just because she found Sparrow likeable. Maybe a mix of both. "If you'd like, perhaps we could spar sometime? I'm very rusty so I need to get back up to speed; it'd do me good."
[Image: caelum_bottle_by_jinxx_black-dbakmat.png]