
Shooting Star


07-05-2013, 03:08 PM

The young russet girl was becoming more independent of her family. She was starting to wander out on her own more, to begin exploring the new lands that were her home now. She was a yearling after all; clearly old enough to be out on her own. She didn't know much about fighting really, but she was a quick study and she figured she would be alright. There was always the other option of running away. Either way, she didn't think she was too bad off by herself. She probably should've brought her brother Niko with her, but she didn't know where he'd gotten off to. Probably out exploring just like her, though where exactly she didn't have a clue. She would meet up with him later. No big deal.

Obsidian and russet paws carried the young woman towards a new area, nostrils flaring against the fresh spring air, tasting an unfamiliar scent on the breeze. It belonged to a male, a rogue apparently, someone who didn't belong to her pack or any pack for that matter. Curiosity peaked, Seraphiel trotted in the direction of the scent, sapphire gems coming across the figure of a large man lying across the beach, apparently asleep. The young woman was cautious in her approach, audits pricked forward with attention. Hello? She called out gently, stopping a few yards from him, curious sapphire gaze intent on his figure, wondering if she would be able to rouse him from his sleep.

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