
Pourquoi tu gâches ta vie (marvel et Czernobog)



5 Years
Extra large
03-03-2018, 08:05 PM


It was hot as heck today. Fortunately, it was also pretty cloudy. Her skin was safe from sunburn, and so it was a perfect day to explore. Which was Forfax's speciality. She trotted along beside her older sister, a big smile on her face and a swagger to her gait. The mangrove mama had mentioned was not far up ahead. The briny smell of the sea was already invading her nostrils. "Do you think there are any monsters there?" Forfax asked warily, nervously looking her way. "Don't they always guard special places?"

The pallid youth shrugged, tearing her gaze from the surrounding foliage to her sister. "Don't think so?" She replied, vocals high pitched with indecisiveness. "We don't have the beating stick. Might have to fight them off, just you and me." There was a broad grin on her face now, tail wagging behind her. The thought of her smallest sibling trying to fend of a mighty beast was laughable at best. In all likelihood, their father would appear to save them before such a thing happened.

"There it is!" She cried, leaping into a gallop. The gnarled mangrove trees reared ahead of them. They had made it! Oh boy! Looking behind her, she saw her sister lagging behind."Faxxy! Go faster!" She taunted, the ground turning to mud beneath her paws once she was too close. Ew! It squished and sucked at the thick fur between her toes. How did her mama manage to stay here so long? She slowed to a prowl, creeping closer to the supposedly magical water. With only slight hesitation, she stepped into it. Just as mama had said, the waters lit up all around her legs. Gods above, this was amazing!

"Going on an adventure, little ones?" A deep voice questioned from up ahead. The pale youth lifted her head, eyes immediately locking onto the dark form of a large male. Brows lifting in shock, she could only stare. That wasn't a normal wolf. He had strange red marks all over, and bright gold eyes. It was a monster. Where was her sister? She whipped her head around, finding Forfax coming up behind her as fast as her little legs could go. "Faxxy, run!" She cried, lifting her paws from the sucking mud to whirl around and tackle her sister. No way was she letting her get eaten by a monster on her watch! Redirecting the smaller girl with her forelimbs, she kept up the rear to shove her onwards towards home.
