
Pourquoi tu gâches ta vie (marvel et Czernobog)



6 Years
Extra large
03-03-2018, 11:44 PM
Amusement colored his features as he watched the little pale child come trotting through the trees over damp ground without a care in the world. Children were the most fascinating and entertaining of creatures. Innocent and fragile like nothing else. The carefree little one followed by a straggling companion she called out to came to an abrupt halt when she saw him at last and- oops, was it something he did? Or was the small one on edge already and his appearance had been the last straw to send the children into panic mode? "Подождите-" He called out, but they were already racing away. Not exactly what he thought would happen. "Ты более домашняя, чем ты думал, Чернобог" he thought dryly, heaving himself to a standing position and stretching.

Eyeing the disappearing pale spots that were all he could still see of the children, Czernobog decided to follow them. If they didn't want to converse that was okay, but he at least wanted to make sure that if there weren't concerned parents lurking the kids would make it back to wherever they belonged in one - or two, he supposed - piece. Hopping onto the marshy ground he took off, following at an easy lope that ate up the ground and closed the distance with minimal effort.

When he neared them he tried using a lighter tone, softening his deep baritone vocals best he could, "Do not run, small ones, I am not frightening. You will be lost if you run in a panic like that." an air of concern broke through his thickly accented words at the mention of them getting lost. It would be very unfortunate if little ones like this were to find themselves unable to get home.