
Pourquoi tu gâches ta vie (marvel et Czernobog)



1 Year
03-04-2018, 12:27 AM


Having her sister biting her butt was not helping the situation. If anything, it made her even more scared. "Торопиться!" Marvel shouted, sounding frenzied. A tightening in her tummy, the taste of bile in her throat. Oh gods, no. No throwing up! She swallowed it back down, and kept running. She could throw up at home, where it was safe and no one would make fun of her.

"Do not run, small ones, I am not frightening. You will be lost if you run in a panic like that." Forfax wasn't buying that for a second. Why would the big monster chase them, if he didn't want to eat them? The last giant she had met was Ashiel, who had just stood there. Definitely not a monster, definitely not interested in eating puppies. Her legs burned from the activity. She was older than her sister, but that didn't mean she was any more adept at long distance sprinting. She heard Marvel stumble, and her heart leapt into her throat. Along with some more throw up. No! "Faxxy," her sister said softly.

No way was she ever leaving anyone in her family behind. Strangers? Sure. But not Marvel, Darya, Dominka, or any of her siblings. Especially not Micah. Skittering to a halt, she wheezed out a shaky breath. Her chest hurt real bad. She glanced over at Marvel. The other girl looked no better than she did. Weary legs carried her over to where her sister stood. She leaned heavily on her larger form, trying to draw courage from her by osmosis. It didn't work. Without hesitation, Marvel said "Если что-то случится, вы запустите и получите маму и Да. Я буду отвлекаться."

Her blood turned to ice for the second time today. Нет, Диво. Кто-то услышал, с нами все будет в порядке. Forfax retorted in the same tone, chiding her baby sister. They would be fine, as long as they stuck together. Peering around her sister, she stared, wide eyed, at the giant man. He was almost as big as papa, but far more intimidating. What was it? Maybe the red marks all over him, or the spots. She'd seen those spots on a big cat, once. The big cat had not been very friendly. That was probably why she didn't like him.

Marvel addressed him warily, with her ears tipped back. "Who're you?" She asked. Her accent was thick, whereas her own was nonexistent. The green eyed girl had been brought up speaking the "common tongue", as her younger siblings called it. Forfax's own dark ears pressed tight against her skull, cheek pressed firmly against her sister's alabaster shoulder. "Our papa will be real mad if you eat us, you know!" She cried out, unable to look at anything but those big gold eyes of his. "Our mama will eat you right back!" There was no doubt in her mind that Lirika would, in fact, destroy him. The thought gave her very little peace.
