
Pourquoi tu gâches ta vie (marvel et Czernobog)



6 Years
Extra large
03-04-2018, 01:16 AM
The brute got a better look at the pale children he'd followed when at last they turned to face him. One ghostly pale - albino, he figured - the other possessing more dark markings and dark skin. The ghostly one was a big bigger, and she turned to him with a fiery spirit despite her panicked state. It almost brought a smile to his lips. Her words to her sibling were all caught and understood, but he kept that to himself for now as he realized she thought he might not know what she was saying. So she hadn't heard him before after all. Well, this was sure turning out to be an interesting encounter. Now he just needed to convince them he wasn't some monstrous fiend like they thought.

"You're quite brave, you know." he commented, addressing the little albino child who spoke with such strength in the face of perceived danger. Even if there was none, it was rather courageous of her to act this way. A fighter at heart, this one. To her question he would reply easily, voice low and gentle, thrumming in his chest as he hummed out his own calling, "I am Czernobog. And you, little fighter?"

Eyes squinted a bit as a smile broke out in earnest, reaching his eyes in his genuine expression of good humor. The laugh that filled the space around them was hearty, but good natured. "That's good, it would be a shame if they did not miss you should you be gobbled up, but I assure you I'm not fond of munching on little Дети" the transition to one of his more native tongues was accidental, but he wondered if it would ease their minds or make them more wary to know they shared a language. Too late now.

Settling to lay down on the driest ground he could find, Czernbog sought to cut a less imposing figure. Once settled he would chuckle, "While I am large and imposing, I am no threat" His gaze flicked over the many trees that surrounded them as he mused, "По крайней мере, не для невинного."