
I Once Had A Pair of Siamese Elephants… [Ara]



10 Years
03-08-2018, 08:52 AM

His uncertain gaze would do little to deter Ara from working. She knew her craft was one often misunderstand, or just plain not understood at all.. though she was just as willing to up and leave if he decided he didn't trust her. As much as she wanted to help the best that she could, she wasn't willing to risk her own well-being in that matter if someone proved uncooperative. Though Ashiel seemed wary, at least he was willing to sit still and let her do her thing. She wasn't quite sure if he wouldn't just rip the paste off after she'd left, but.. yarrow wasn't rare enough that she wouldn't use some of it on him, and the least she could do was try.

His gratitude made her smile, her head dipping slightly in response. "It's not a problem at all, Ashiel. I help when I can." If she wasn't willing to help, what good was she as a healer? Payment wasn't necessary - she had everything she could possibly want. Besides the return of a few family members, but that wasn't something anyone could change for her. At his question, though, she laughed gently. "Traveling healer. I like the sound of that." Something like amusement danced in her eyes as she pulled away to briefly recline to her haunches. "I suppose you could say it is. I prefer the comfort of a pack, but the one that I was a part of has since disbanded. I'm sort of searching a place to call home now. Have any suggestions?" Curiosity danced in her blue eyes as she looked him over, honestly wondering.