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07-05-2013, 03:52 PM

Flint chuckled to herself and stretched out her entire body with a long, yawning extension. She relished the feeling of her fur fluffing and her muscles moving in harmony. It was a sweet, sweet release. She had been waiting at the mouth of a rabbit warren, hoping to snap up a quick bite to eat, but had instead dozed off in the warm spring sun. Oh well, she thought. I wasn't that hungry anyways. instead she rolled over onto her back and gazed up at the sky. The golden hour, her mother had called it, in those scant moments before a true sunset began and the entire world became a gilded wonderland. Her sister would have called it a magical time and dragged her off to go hunting for sprites and nymphs, but she had always had her head among the stars, and Flint had rarely had the patience to endure her. Still, in moments like these she missed her family.

It had been a lonely life, living as a Rogue. Rewarding of course and the freedom had done wonders for the quality of her soul, but the nights were cold and this winter in particular had been hard. Her frame was now entirely made of lean, hard muscle, with not an ounce of fat to be found. Her stomach growled and she spared a dry look at the seemingly deserted warren. Okay, maybe I'm hungry after all. As if the gods had been listening a soft brown nose peeked it's way out into the world. Startled, Flint froze with a wide eyed look on her face. She blinked rapidly to make sure her eyes were not deceiving her. The foolish rabbit seemed adamant about existing and took another step out of it's burrow. Flint lunged, catching the rodent by the hind leg as it attempted to flee. Speed was pitched against reflexes and in the end Flint had her meal. She silenced the rabbit's squeals quickly, throwing careful glances over her shoulders to make sure they had not attracted anything bigger or hungrier than she had been. It wasn't long until nothing but cracked bones and tufts of fur remained, and Flint sat back on her haunches, satisfied and licking the blood from her jowls.
