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07-05-2013, 04:12 PM

The morning sun peaked over the mountain tops, spreading its warm spring rays about Alacritis, stirring the land to awaken. The young Adravendi was already awake, out and about for the day, just wandering. Meili wasn't around that morning, or at least he hadn't run into her yet, so the young man was heading towards his favorite spot; the whistling willows as he'd figured out they were called. It was the place where he'd first met his new friend, where she had crashed into the giant willow and Gael had helped her out. He would always remember that day, the memory engraved permanently in his mind. The whistling willows were his favorite place now. They were a peaceful place, but now they had a special place in his heart thanks to Mei. He'd already gotten himself a bit of breakfast, the goal now to simply relax in his favorite spot and wait for Mei to show so they could spend some time together.

Ivory tipped paws moved smoothly across the familiar terrain, talons digging into the pliable soil, the only traces that he'd been through the area. Darkened nostrils quivered against the breeze, catching the unfamiliar scent of a female. She was a rogue, not belonging to any of the packs in the area. How interesting that she was hanging out in his favorite spot. Curious as to who this new woman was, the young man continued forward, cerulean gaze spotting the slightly smaller figure of the woman resting against the shoots of green beside the willow. Goodmorning. he called out, lyrics friendly as he stopped several yard from the woman, plume wagging gently behind tawny haunches, a gentle smile curling his lips.

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