
It’s Treasure I Seek


03-11-2018, 10:18 PM (This post was last modified: 03-23-2018, 06:27 AM by Ashiel. Edit Reason: fixed another broken table, missing </table> tag )

The sire heard, one sniffing closely to him his first reaction was to growl.  His lime orbs narrowing,  into slits as he lept at the smaller male.  His wip curling over his spinal cord,  before relaxing seeing it was only a wolf.  His crimson stained enamels,  slowly being recovered over by his velveetens. "Sorry sire,  you surprised me you should becareful, shouldn't your alpha warn you of this?" he hissed,  his glare caught on the other sire,  he had the raging scents of a superior his hermione's indacated so.  Than as he returned to sniff the smaller,  healer? He caught a whole different pack scent,  ,"Hmm,  you two are from different pack weird.... " he sighed,  his lime orbs staying locked on the sires bag,  with a quick snarky sigh he asked,  ,"What's inside,  herbs?" his broad maw,  pointed to it, his torn aud flicking. As he began to circle the sire with a level yet, cautious as if to attack look. Only in case he had to, but he would try not to let his urges talk. His owl flung herself to her masters, shoulder with a slight click of her beak before saying. "Got anything that can attrack mice?" she croaked, she flapped her wings. Her small forum landing on the other sires shoulder and sayed, "Please give me, the poppy seeds." she could smell, the tangy scent of poppy seeds. Her talon drawling slowly over the sires shoulder, that might leave a scratch. "Or mint leaves, hmm maybe even a little of both..." she was practically ordering before, Xander snapped his maw in a signal to the owl. She rolled her inlarged orbs, flapping to her master shoulder. "Sorry she is just hungry, she knows i could always get her some food. Well maybe...?" His zeth twitched, crimson dropplets trickled from a small cut. He winced as his owl, grabbed ahold of it pulling with all her might. She tried but lost grip, she caused her wings to frail and hit the thorn deeper into hid pad, he yelped and snapped at the air. He licked the swollen pad he had'nt been able to find herbs he had, been resting alot.
Does,"Speaks" Thinks

Take my soul,  dear light.
A thousand firefly,  can't  light up my soul.