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07-05-2013, 04:41 PM

The sudden intrusion caught Flint off guard. Her head snapped up and she rose smoothly to her feet, trying not to show how startled she was. Leave it to her to get so lost in a meal she allowed herself to be ambushed. Her quick eyes quickly took in the newcomer, as did her nose. He smelled of pack, for one thing, and he was larger than her for another. His height did not place him too far above her, but his build seemed much larger at a glance. The set of his body seemed friendly enough so Flint reined in her urge to run for the hills. Just as her wish for food had been granted, apparently her lust for company had too. In the back of her mind she wondered briefly if this was a holy place, if the gods had keener ears here.

She paused her pondering and opened her mouth instead. "Good morning to you too, Pack Wolf. Have I strayed onto your territory?" She hadn't smelled any borders, but her mind did have a tendency to wander. As casually as she could she tested the air, scenting for other wolves in the area. If it was a true ambush, she would not be surprised twice. Nothing stood out to her, but she had been wrong before. Instead she turned her eyes back to the stranger before her. "I'm Flint," she said, her voice clipped and short. "And you are?" Now that the surprise was ebbing away she felt a need to lash out, anger building at being caught off guard. Didn't he know it was rude to sneak up on the unsuspecting? The nerve of some wolves!

Speech, Thoughts