
Mood Is A Thing For Cattle [Amos]



3 Years
03-16-2018, 04:37 PM (This post was last modified: 03-16-2018, 04:39 PM by Amos. Edit Reason: forgot to edit round number lol. Luns okayed the edit. )
His initial attack missed terribly and Amos let air his through his jaws as he recalculated. The approaching jaws of his opponent had Amos checking that his chin was tucked defensively, simultaneously dodging via a hard lean to the right in an effort to change the target. Ashiel's teeth bit into the side of Amos' neck. The other yearling's lower jaw was a bit closer to his windpipe than Amos would have liked, drawing a nervous gulp from the dark male as he retaliated.

Once he'd landed, paw slam missing as Ashiel sought to wrap his forelimbs around Amos' neck, his dark muzzle wrinkled with a determined grin. Ashiel's legs successfully wrapped around his neck, while amos redistributed his weight, shifting it back to his hind limbs so he could also rear up. His own forelimbs reached out to grip Ashiel's body, left arm seeking purchase under Ashiel's right elbow, right arm aiming for the left side of Ashiel's neck. Tail flagging out for balance while his weight remained even over his hind legs with claws biting into the ground for added traction, he sought to do the obvious - topple his opponent over.

Pushing the larger, heavier wolf over would be too difficult, so instead he took a few steps backwards, hoping to draw the larger wolf into resting more weight against him. Next he would seek to drag himself - and ideally Ashiel with him - to his own right, left arm aiming to pull under Ashiel's elbow in an effort to better grip him and prevent an escape. Twisting hard to his right, Amos would aim to throw his opponent down first, open jaws also seeking to bite at Ashiel's face. Upper jaws aimed for the left side of Ashiel's forehead while lower jaws would seek a place just below the other man's glittering green eye.

Rechecking the rest of his defenses, he ensured his muzzle wrinkled in a snarl as he aimed his bite, eyes narrowing to keep them protected. Hackles stayed raised along his spine, and ears pinned flat.

Amos vs Ashiel for Spar!
Round 2/2
Height: 36”
Build: Heavy
[Image: Yos2LI0.png?1]