
Pain Is Merely Weakness Leaving The Body



07-13-2013, 03:14 AM

He was slow and he certainly had no time in dawdling. He had no where to be. No where of great importance that demanded his undivided attention. There wasn't much that every would require such devotion. He was a loner. A vagabond that kept to himself and dwelled in the most silent of places. Solitude was what he sought and it was what, so far, he'd managed to achieve. This island offered him what he desired. He would request nothing more than a place to rest his head and prey to eat. Other than that it was obvious this island was wild. It could not be tamed by the likes of him or anyone else for that matter. It was like Australia. Everything on the island and in the water wanted to kill you. You couldn't control death, much less the creatures that brought it. He would merely request to stay here, and should the island no longer want him around he would know.

The place was horrifyingly beautiful in a way that most wouldn't make sense of. It was the closest to home that he would be able to get. Of course it would never compare to the pack he'd been born in and the land he'd been raised on, but it would do. The eerie ominous feel to the island was appreciated. It gave him the sense of a challenge and he wasn't one to decline them. Challenges, especially the impossible, were ways to improve yourself. You could fail a challenge and still become greater than you were before such challenge. Ultimately it would keep him here. He doubted he would ever leave such a place unless forced to.

He had thought he was alone. Of course, with a place as big as Alacritis, even it's islands couldn't be without at least one other wolf to accompany him. It was disappointing, but expected all the same. He didn't pause in his searching. He was attempting to find the perfect place to build a den. That or a shallow cave in which he could sleep during the night hours. He would adorn it with deer hides and rabbit fur as well as moss. If he could find the right spot they would also hold herbs eventually. The place was teeming with wildlife. It was exhilarating.

The voice of another caused him to pause and he swung a massive head to gaze upon a smaller brute than himself. Had he not already picked up on the scent and seen that he indeed had male parts he would have mistaken the boy for a female. His figure was petite and lanky. So thin that he could be mistake for malnourished if he wasn't so well defined with muscle and looked well fed as far as around his ribs was concerned. His coat pattern wasn't one that was familiar to Sasori. He was mainly grey dappled with black and perhaps a few white hairs here and there. His eyes were a striking neon purple that stood out against him and spoke volumes about his appearance. An interesting creature to look at. Much different than his simple design of earth and ivory.

"I sought solitude and a place to rest my head at night."

He answered bluntly. His voice remained level and didn't waver. No emotion tainted his vocals as he spoke to the smaller boy that seemed to be so close in age to him. The other was so carefree with hi words though. It an extent it grated his nerves and yet he showed no signs of irritation. He wasn't that irritated after all. If he was he would have just continued on his way without saying a word. However, he didn't appreciate being called friend nor did he care about how "gorgeous" the day was. He didn't trifle with such things. He had more important things on his mind, but he kept such thoughts to himself. Instead he gave the other male a look that plainly stated that he wanted to know what the boy wanted with him. If not he was going to continue searching for a den.
