
Hidden in the Unknown



6 Years
Extra large

03-18-2018, 04:01 AM

Ask, and ye shall receive! Only, he didn't even have to ask... so, perhaps luck was finally on his side, again? He could smell the newcomer before he could see him, his square muzzle rising to the air as his nostrils flared and scouted out the direction it was coming from.

It seemed to come from the Oasis itself, and so Elias strayed from the trail left behind by the mule deer and moved in pursuit of the other wolf. It was only ever in the spirit of a good hunt did he miss being in a pack, miss being able to rely on others. If only they could rely on him, heh. He let out an involuntary snort at the thought, trying his best to remind himself that things would get easier... he was getting better, right? It had been a year since he had done anything... really bad.

With waning faith in himself, he moved faster before his insecurities crept up on him any quicker than they were. He wanted to remain focused, and so it was at the beginning of the sparse blades of grass that surrounded the Oasis that he finally saw what he was hunting down, his partner.. and it seemed he saw him, as well.

Elias stopped with roughly six feets separating the two titans, his neck resting only slightly inclined from his shoulders as he assessed the other male. The first thing he noticed was the dark appearance of him, and his height.. and his scars... man, this guy looked like he could have been an Apollyon, a native to Elias' birth pack.

With the rain lightly dusting their backs, Elias stared at the other with inky lips pulled back in a smirk, "Hey, don't suppose you'd be interested in hunting with a guy like me, would you? My name is Elias, and I've caught the scent of a deer back there.. seems big, though it shouldn't be a problem if we work together. We can split it down the middle, quite literally- the meat on the backside is all I ever care for, anyway. Call me picky." Aw, crap. He was rambling again, wasn't he? He really needed to socialize more. He chuckled nervously, hoping he hadn't ruined things already while he cleared his throat. "I'm Elias, by the way."

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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