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07-05-2013, 05:05 PM

He hadn't realized that she'd been eating until he'd spotted the remnants of her breakfast lying by her paws. So she'd been rather busy when he'd come across her, the young man unaware that he'd caught her off guard until she suddenly turned towards him, a startled look claiming her features. He instantly felt bad that he'd come up unannounced, startling her from her breakfast as she swiftly rose to her paws, trying to brush off how startled she was. Audits flattened against his skull, cerulean gaze taking a moment to run over her figure. She was a few inches smaller than him, her muscles mass a lot less defined than his, her coat a much lighter mixture of browns compared to his dark greys. He hoped his friendly demeanor would be compensation enough for
his having unexpectedly startled her.

Good morning to you too, Pack Wolf. Have I strayed onto your territory? I'm Flint. And you are? He shook his skull, dismissing her notion that she had intruded on a pack territory. Goodmorning ma'am. No, you have not strayed onto my territory. My home resides not to far from here, but this certain area is rogue territory, open to anyone and everyone. It is nice to meet you miss Flint, my name is Gael. Please excuse my sudden intrusion, it hadn't been my intention to startle you. Crown dipped towards the slightly smaller woman, his apology sincere, a sheepish smile curling his kissers as he attempted to make Flint feel more comfortable around him, not wanting to taint her impression of him because of his accidental rudeness.

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