
Doctor, Doctor Gimme the News



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
03-18-2018, 03:24 PM
Malleus politely averted his gaze as the still unidentified woman tended to his wounds. His mind wandered elsewhere as his eyes took in the scenery in an attempt, whether he realized it or not, to create some amount of space between himself and her. He felt no need to speak - it would have been painful anyway - and was content to let the healer go about her work unbothered by whatever banal small talk others in his position might have attempted to engage in to make up for whatever taboo barrier they were breaking by standing so close. Breaking the unspoken boundary of personal space came with the job. Malleus understood that and so he was blind to whatever discomfort others might have felt being tended to by a stranger.

Once she moved on to his leg Malleus' attention did return to the woman. Working on his face was different than working on his leg somehow and he didn't feel it was as intrusion to watch her as she tended to the burn. He watched her on and off as she worked; his gaze roving away as she reached for things and roving back as she applied them. He took note of the way she did things and the items she used. He stored that information away for later use. Clearly she was more practiced than he.

After his leg was wrapped the woman looked up at him with an air of finality that suggested she was completely done. He eyed the bandage on his leg curiously as he studied the method she'd used to fasten it to his leg. It was quite good. Perhaps when she wasn't looking he'd study it a bit more thoroughly. Personally, he struggled with keeping bandages in place. Others could do it so well, their wraps looking so proper and secure, but whenever he finished a wrap, no matter how careful he'd been, it always looked as if it were held on by thread and a prayer.

"Thank you," he rasped. "You have my gratitude, miss...?"

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.