
Goodbye Graceful



4 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze Participant
03-19-2018, 03:03 AM
geez, he didn't really know what he was doing but it didn't stop him from trying! He felt Amos' teeth cut into the thin skin on his left thigh, tearing a bit of it and leaving moderate lacerations. He growled with the pain that lanced there, and got a tad frustrated that his paw stomp would miss when Amos shoved his left hip with his shoulder. Azazel stumbled to his right, letting Amos' shove push him away by a few inches. Crimson gaze remained narrowed, hackles bristled, his tail tucked, ears pinned to his head and his head lowered with chin tucked over his throat. He was satisfied, however, that he had managed to get a bite on Amos' left flank, though he didn't hold on to it. And he was also satisfied that at least his shoulder strike had landed on Amos as well.

Regrounding the paw that had previously attempted to stomp on Amos' foot, Azazel rose on his hind legs and sought to wrap his forelegs around Amos' body. Left foreleg sought to come over Amos' lower back, right foreleg seeking to wrap around Amos' left hind thigh in an attempt to sort of hug him and keep him in place or bowl him over. His neck arched downward, jaws open as he then sought to land a bite on Amos' lower back, just a few inches from the base of his tail. top fangs sought to land on the right side of Amos' spine and bottom fangs sought to pierce the left side. He wasn't aiming to paralyze or crush bone, but he sought to at least cause some discomfort and pierce the flesh.

Azazel vs Amos
Round 2/2
Height 36"
Build: Medium
OOC//this is the crappiest fight post ever! Sorry for taking long XD