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7 Years
Extra large

03-20-2018, 07:57 PM
Ah, some day Caelestis would hopefully learn to appreciate her parents, even if they seemed a bit annoying and a bit overbearing right now. Someday she would appreciate it.. maybe when she had children of her own and realized just how it felt to have wolves looking after you. The thought even made him feel weird, so he shook it off and happily focused on something else.

"Good at sneakin' around, huh?" Lark chuckled, amused at her words and at the image of Caelestis doing this sneakin' she spoke of.  "That sounds like a lot of fun. Better be careful, though. You know it wasn't all that long ago I was your age and I was pretty good at sneaking around too, so I know all your tricks," Lark teased her, knowing she'd never know that he hadn't had a very adventurous childhood. He certainly hadn't spent much time outside of Abaven, and much of his youth hadn't exactly been spent playing and adventuring as Caelestis might be able to spend the remainer of hers..

Another gentle laugh left his lips at her eagerness. "Right now? Hmmm..." He snorted as she moved closer at put her paws on his chest. God, how could he say no to her? Caelestis was adorable, even if he had a feeling she'd drive him crazy after awhile. He even got a sneak peak of it, by the way she tugged at his tail. "Fine, fine. But if your parents yell at me I'm telling them you said it was okay to bring you!" He feigned seriousness as he stood up and headed toward the cliffs, urging her to follow.

-exit Lark!-