
i will love you till the end of t i m e

Gargoyle I


07-05-2013, 06:31 PM

Masqurading as a man with a reason

My charade is the Event of the season

I hear the voices when I'm dreaming

I can hear them say:


The male watched her searchingly. He didn?t want her to sugarcoat things, he wanted her honest opinion? he just hoped that that opinion would be a good one. And it was. Good enough for Gargoyle anyway. He was glad that flexibility had turned out to be one of his wife?s many virtures. But before he could say another word on the matter, she had a question of her own. ?Ah,? the he wolf took a step back and spread his forepaws in the snow giving his head a turn one way and then the other so she could see for herself. ?I may be on the far side of five, but I heal just fine. To be sure I?ve had worse wounds? it was the blood loss, that?s all.?

He grew a bit quieter. ?I-I am sorry, Ocena, to put you through all this.? An exhale escaped through his snout, and the male lowered his head so that their gazes matched. He was most in earnest, and he prayed that his mate would not try to shift the blame off onto the challenger or the fates. Gargoyle had done enough of that himself. In the end he was alright and his pack still had a good home, he could ask for no more and he didn?t let thoughts of his defeat weigh too heavily in his soul. But all the same, an apology was deserved. He remembered.

He remembered the sound of Ocena?s voice the caves where he?d recovered. Though the fog that had been over him then had denied him clarity at the time, the memories were sharp enough. She?d been worried, she?d been fearful? Gargoyle had been closer to death than he cared to admit to anyone. What if he had died? What of Ocena? What if he had left her alone? It didn?t bear thinking about. Gargoyle did not fear death, even a violent, painful death in battle, but the thought of leaving Ocena sent a shiver down his spine so strong it threatened to raise his hackles.

He sought to drive his mind another way. ?At least our pups are strong. From what Crusade tells me of how Galileo acted since the challenge, the boy seems ready to lead a charge himself as soon as he?s able. And Orica hardly seems to notice the difference so long as she has everyone around her." As for Avalon, he was yet to spend some good time with his larger daughter. But he planned too soon. ?It amazes me how quickly they?ve grown,? he added, unable to withhold the warm ring of a sire?s pride in his voice. ?They?ll be eight months old soon, and then a year come midsummer.? He shook his head. ?I really must take them on a good hunt. They?re old enough to start learning how to take the lead with smaller prey.? It was the musings of a good father; the happy conversation between parents that might?ve happened on any day. Perhaps nothing really had changed.

Carry on my Wayward Son

There'll be peace when you are done

Lay your weary head to rest

Don't you Cry No More