
I could surely get lost


07-05-2013, 06:32 PM

Eren was in her world now, the one where she was taking care of her needs. With a flick of her tail, the female could smell a deer nearby to their luck. She began in the creatures direction and she was someone completely different, she was perfect at her steps and everything was precise. To make sure the small deer did not hear her, her haunches moving in a slow motion as her eyes locked on the creature munching on the grass. Her claws silently scraped against the stone of the edges of the caves. Her rump wiggling as she patiently waited for the animal to get closer to her, a team hunt meant they could corner bigger prey and this was perfect for the two of them to share. This creature was different from the ones in the jungle, but she felt exactly the same. Her stress was out the window as she stalked the prey. Once it got close enough she jumped out and snapped at its legs causing it to flail and head towards Kypsis.
Eren chased after it and landed her jaws on the hind end of the deer, it struggled tripping over its own feet as it fell onto the ground. Leaving an opening for the male that was with her to finish it off. This was what it meant to be wild, and to follow her instincts without worry. She wasn't a mean creature, but she could still rip something apart if she really wished. It was just the fact that this how how you survived and that was how she had learned to live. Eat, sleep, drink, fight. Just keep on fighting no matter what happened.