
Old Scars / Future Hearts

Clay I


5 Years
Dire wolf
03-21-2018, 01:34 PM
Panic was clear in the male's eyes as well as pain. He didn't like seeing her in pain and he absolutely hated that he didn't know what to do to help. He was only ever taught healing basics because he didn't have an interest in it so he didn't have any knowledge of how to aid in childbirth. He body was stiff as he looked down at her, her scared eyes looking to him making his stomach knot up more. He was feeling like he could puke with his internal stress from the situation. Though his held breath was soon released and before he realized it a clan member was at her side. Chinook a face he hadn't seen since he had left, but he knew the man was a healer and could help. Though his emotions were still running in overdrive as Chin and Kait began speaking, going over the situation to figure out where to go from here.

He didn't deny Chin's words, his emotions making a lump settle in his throat and his stomach was still churning. He needed to sit or lay down, but he didn't want to be in the way. So he settled down wrapping himself around Kait's front half, keeping his head close to her's. Her words scared him even more, she didn't care about herself, just the pups. Was it really that bad? Would she die right here while trying to bring these children into the world? He tried to remain calm, worry still evident in his eyes, but he closed them and gently pushed his left cheek against her left cheek trying to provide what support and stability he could muster under this stress.

"Speech" & 'Think'