
A hardened heart still beats


07-05-2013, 06:52 PM

He collided with her with enough force to knock the air from her lungs and sending her flying into the ground. A yelp fell from her jaws as her petite frame hit the earth with a thud. Skull followed suit, making everything go black for a moment. Body went limp. Eyes fluttered, trying desperately to refocus her vision Something out surely be bruised at the least. Before she knew what was happening, a white form shot out from nowhere. Eyes narrowed in an attempt to focus. Erani? What was she doing out here? The ivory healer collided with the brute, but he barely moved. Disoriented she didn't noticed the second wolf until the brute that stood over her let out a feral snarl and backed away from her. It was struggle to put together what was happening. Erani came out of nowhere with a second wolf, and attacked the brute. The second wolf was dark, Nova maybe? She couldn't be sure. In an attempt to get up, she pulled her legs under, pushing herself up. Legs wobbled, barely able to hold her weight, the world around her spun.

Clenching her eyes shut, she shook her head, wanting her vision and head to clear. Grass and dirt clung to her pelt, giving her a very frazzled appearance. Any step she took faltered, turning into a stumble. She wanted to go home. Her head pounded, her body now ached. She was useless. Erani and whoever else was here were putting themselves in danger, and she couldn't do a damn thing about it. With an uncoordinated movement, she placed her haunches back on the ground, her head hung low, eyes trying to focus. She was vulnerable. All that strange brute had to do was grab her and he'd have her held as a hostage, her life would hang in the balance. Erani would be her only hope. Hopefully that didn't happen. She forced herself to stop thinking about the worst case scenario. Focus.

"speech" thought