
Feel the beat now if you've got nothing left

Daemon I


3 Years
03-21-2018, 03:47 PM

He padded through the woods, his search for the perfect land and the perfect females to carry on his lineage. The phantoms here didn't matter to him. He was a warrior, a spartan meant to add to the phantom's numbers. His hetero-chromatic gaze touched their forms dismissively. He did not scare easily, they would have to try harder.

He was slow moving but in the dim light of the forest his eyes produced a natural shine to them, making him seem like one of the phantoms himself. He could smell one ahead, female and young. Perhaps young enough to teach the ways of the spartan males, and to learn she was meant to do only two things, one less likely than the other. To bear children and be a healer, the less likely was to be a healer. He stayed in the darkness but moved so the female could see his eyes. The darkness they held was a dare. Come if you dare...

Her rainbow pelt was alluring with its softer tones, but her mask was that of a skull. Her figure was tall as his own was, yet her's taller. She was young but still old enough for him. She didn't smell of woman yet, she still had yet to have her first heat, which was good. For him that was.

He turned then letting his tail touch enough light for her to see it was real. Then he moved further, almost trying to tempt her. He was testing to see if she would indeed follow him, and to see if indeed she might learn. He needed no words only the temptation of his firmly muscled body and a chance to see if she would be tempted to follow something darker into the dark.

"Daemon" &"Nabis"

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.