
Everything You Hear [Acapella]



8 Years
03-21-2018, 07:54 PM

Things soon turned as his tones grew icey. She felt she obeyed the pack laws and really the whole meeting had been about him apologizing to her and getting to know her. She understood him being angry that a former Talis member had been close, but nothing negative came out of it. Ears flattened against her skull at his tones wondering if he really thought she would turn on her pack. How could he think that they were family? And she was only assuming this because of how he was acting and speaking to her. His tone growing worse and she shifted back a bit uncertain of what he was truly going to do? What did she do wrong?

She kept herself calm, not wanting to argue or make his mood more foul then it currently was. All she needed to do was tell him and that was that, but she still felt she had done absolutely nothing wrong. Besides if he had been here to do harm if she called for backup, whose to say more Talis members wouldn't be waiting at another part of the border?

"All that was said was Marina was a member of Celestial and that his blood related siblings had stayed. Most of the conversation was him telling me of the family drama Marina had put him through......................... Once he learned I was the second wolf in the raid he apologized to me, a sincere one. He didn't mean to get that mean about the fight he was merely caught up in pent up emotions from his family drama........................ Then he asked if out pack could keep his siblings from turning out like him and I said they won't. The rest was just talking about myself and himself, no one else.................... I did not call the pack together because I did not feel he was a threat, plus if he had been I was suspicious that he may be used for a distraction, have me call the pack to that location while the rest of the pack entered else where in out lands, but again he was not here for trouble." she said telling him everything, exactly as he had asked.

She wasn't sure what would happen now, but she supposed she would find out. If he truly felt that once again she had failed, that she had not fallowed the pack rules, then maybe the pack life wasn't for her. Either way she wouldn't argue with him, he had the final say and if he felt that the information she had shared with Greed was was breaking the pack laws, then that was what happened. She inwardly sighed as she waited to hear what he had to say.

"Talk" & 'Think"

Ooc: I didn't write the full text, the long lines of dots are for where she tells him every exact detail.
* Is completely Blind due to Maim by Greed, looks like her eyes are always closed. *
Acapella has a Dhole companion that is almost always with her unless stated otherwise.
Greed is allowed in any of Ella's threads regardless of the tag.