
The Art of New Life [Birthing Lesson!]



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
03-22-2018, 12:33 PM
Justice snorted sharply. "Do I need to remind you who punished that cousin for his betrayal? A lot of wolves who aren't related to us haven't betrayed us," she retorted in the same tone. "And Regulus' family is nice to EVERYONE in the pack, it doesn't make me feel all warm and special over him treating us well."

Domari's stuttery confusion earned a sly, teasing grin from the stocky female. Adorable. Well, now that she'd flustered him once, the poor thing wasn't safe from her sniping and teasing. He'd be 'Cousin Domari' forever now.

Paladin's speechifying about how they'd all be expected to learn about it, et cetera et cetera and so on, typical Paladin fashion, ended in him making a sharp comment that was clearly directed at her, suddenly fanning her temper til it flared white-hot and she bristled, and had this not been a lesson and both packmate and brother, she would have rolled him right then and there. He thought she didn't have the stomach to deal with a stupid birth? She could handle a stupid birth. She just didn't see why it was so much more important that they learn it when there weren't even any pregnant females in the pack. Injury and disease was so much more likely than running into a random pregnant loner giving birth that it was ridiculous, yet they would all be required to know it? She didn't see the point to it, and she was frustrated and annoyed that Paladin was putting an undue amount of emphasis on the subject and taking their disinterest so personally.

Her annoyance with the lesson wasn't much helped when the little princess just happened to come up with the perfect, exact answer. It was ridiculous enough that she had the suspicion the girl had been coached on the answer to show the rest of them up. Well, she hadn't had the benefit of having someone bothering to train her like Paladin and apparently the princess had, so how the hell was she supposed to know the signs of labor? Or Domari, who'd stuttered and blushed so prettily just at the idea of playing midwife? Irritated and bordering on furious, Justice sat stiffly with jaw clenched to keep from responding the way she dearly wanted to.

She glared at the herbs as they were named so hard that they should properly have burst into flame rather than just sit there innocently. She could have walked away - she'd have gotten into trouble, maybe kicked out of the pack, most likely lose her rank, but she COULD have - but she really did want to learn healing, so instead she stayed and glared at the hapless herbs instead while she memorized the way they looked and smelled, and mentally added to the picture the uses Paladin named. Trillium, motherwort, anemone. She narrowed her eyes as she added the uses for the last two. "If motherwort and anemone are both sedatives," she said aloud, her voice still curt from her irritation but her desire to learn overcoming her frustration with the situation, "would there be a problem using them together? It seems like using more than one sedative could maybe cause an overdose even if you used the correct dosage of each herb."