
Mist and Fangs [PACK HUNT]



7 Years
03-22-2018, 03:43 PM
Kassander had returned from another herb hunting trip happy and laden with clay jars he'd taken the opportunity to craft and fire while he was out. It wasn't, sadly, particularly reasonable to keep a fire going in Abaven's territory for him to be able to easily build a kiln, but there were several places around the continent that allowed for easy access to fire, mostly places where the earth had rent and allowed liquid fire to rise up. A stick poked in that substance burned quite satisfactorily, and he'd been able to light a small fire in a clay structure to bake it dry. Putting his clay jars in the structure with a fire seemed to make them stronger, and he was considering trying different materials in the fire to try to make it hotter, or coating the clay with something and reheating it to see if that would seal it like the jars he'd come across in some old human structures. If he could seal them, he'd be able to store liquids more easily...

He looked up from putting his jars in his herb alcove, blinking, as a familiar call filtered down. Oh, he'd gotten back just in time; it seemed Brandr was calling another hunt. Well, he was happy to help out again. Their successful hunt last time had been a boost to his confidence with Brandr, Corentine, and Lark - a minute relaxation in his anxiety when dealing with the other three hunters in the party.

But his confidence was slightly deflated when he arrived - sans Rommel, who'd hurt his paw on the trip and needed to rest it - to find that there were a great deal more members in the hunt this time than there had been last time, including the alpha herself. Kassander nearly tripped over his own paws as he hastily nodded at her before hesitantly moving to hover near Corentine and Brandr, wanting to be nearer wolves he was comfortable with but at the same time not wanting to be near the center of attention, as Brandr as the hunt leader surely was.