
Finally home :)


07-05-2013, 07:23 PM
The man stood and watched as the boys fur stood on end and then lay back down. As white lined ears perked up and he stood wiping tears from his eyes as he nodded. With a nod he felt slightly less conserned but the tears the boy wiped away told him otherwise. It was only with his words did the concern leave his expression and remain only under the surface and barely there.

The eagerness in the boys voice made him smile even though he couldn't answer his question due to the fact that he didn't know the child. He saw the boys eyes shoot to the sky and then back to him onlyseconds before more slipped from his maw. So...he was one of Ookami and Thane's boys. He did intact know the two wolves one he had met a few years ago and became friends with. [color/green]"I'm Luke, its nice to meat you Ruler. As for your question I do know your mother but I haven't seen her in a while and I don't recall ever have a full conversation with your father but I know who he is."[/color] Luke wasn't sure if the answer he gave to him was the one he was looking for...but it was the only one he had.