
I claim this land as my own


02-04-2013, 12:57 PM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2013, 06:22 PM by Pepper.)

Coming to the land of Ludicael she smiled widely. Finally she had found the land up for grabs, no scent from another wolf even lay within the land yet. She looked around and everything she saw she liked. The land was beautiful open and bright in some places and in others it was shaded and filled with trees.

This was it, the place that would make her mother proud of her. Her uncle Luke already been proud of her for wanting to better herself. In her time of being away from home, he only visited her twice and only long enough to tell her how every one was doing and make sure she was doing all right. She would tell him everything was fine, and it was.

In the year that she had been away from home she had learned a lot. Granted her mother and uncle had taught her everything she knew before she had left, being alone had taught her other things as well. Her mother had taught her hunting and her uncle had taught her how to fight...but being alone enhanced her skill. Out of all the loners she had met she had ended up having to kill three of them, only made friends with one and avoided others.

The peppered woman, finally ready to let every one near that she was claiming the land for herself and if they didn't like it then they could challenge her for it. Her head lifted with her nose tilted toward the sky. When her maw opened in a howl her soprano voice spilled out and filled area.

As she finished her challenge, her head lowered and she began scanning the area. The smile that had once been placed upon her face had now faded and nothing but the look of seriousness remained.

For her young age she knew a lot, not quite as much as her friend Lennon, but enough to know that she would probably have to fight another for this land. All the work she had placed into finding the place in its own should have earned her right to keep it for herself but she knew better than that. If some one else wanted it there would be a fight over it, or an agreement...but she didn't want to share. She hadn't come all this way to share.

No matter how hard she hoped, she knew there was that almost guarantee that she might have to fight some one.

word count: 418
