
Deer in the Headlights


07-05-2013, 07:54 PM
hope you don't mind me joining c:

The pallid babe was hardly a static creature, and even though her young demanded her constant attention, she found herself navigating the entirety of the island, seemingly in different locations for each and every day. Her travels may have been sporadic in nature, but at the end of the day she would always return to her densite that housed her developing hellspawn and take the demons from the faithful paws of their sire. Still she was unable to place them through the intensive training that she had promised the moment they were conceived, for they were still too frail to even pull themselves upon all fours let alone comprehend the strategy behind battle. But, soon ? soon would her terrible trio be granted the opportunity to draw one another?s blood and expand their knowledge on brawling techniques; the only issue was their mother?s thinning patience with their sluggish development.

Elongated limbs propelled her through the dense vegetation that towered much higher than her petite twenty-eight inches, consuming her entire form and providing difficulty for both swift navigating and assessment of her surroundings. Thorns grazed and clung maliciously to her plush and pallid coat, penetrating beneath her fur and pricking the tender flesh beneath it so that thin trails of crimson oozed from where the thorns were situated, insinuating minor nagging pains that caused irritation to flood her system. But she disregarded the multiple pricking sensations as best she could, captivating her brain with thoughts of her future endeavors and drowning the annoyance out with them. But even those thoughts subsided as the crackling sound of snapping twigs writhed through her auditory system, alerting her to the presence of another creature that seemed to be just as unfortunate as her with traversing through the labyrinth-like thicket. The noise seemed to be coming from slightly up ahead, and the pallid babe shifted her positioning to the side, pupils falling upon grass that had already been patted down with the weight of another ? a relief to the dainty woman. Quickly she maneuvered the trail, pupils fixated upon the area ahead of her in search for the object of pursuit, coming across the pallid canine quickly and slowing in her tracks as she approached it. So alone? she questioned darkly, a smirk contorting her visage even though the other wouldn?t be able to view it with her back turned.