
Dusk and Fireflies [Eren]


07-05-2013, 07:59 PM

Heaven could boast all it wanted about team work. Eren was already plotting to take down one of the children on her own. No, nevermind that, she would need numbers if she were to have done that. One hit by those horns and ribs could be snapped her lungs could be ripped out and even worse her heart could stop. Plus, the waste of energy just wasn't worth the effort. She stood up down crouching down and sighed catching the scent of the other wolf who was on the other side of the herd. Her ears pulled forward as the Glaciem wolfs head tilted, what was a young small female like that doing out here all alone, near a herd of bison at that? Eren made her way across to the female and stopped a few feet away, she didn't want to get too close, in case she thought of her as a threat.
"Hi, you alone too?" Eren called, though she didn't have to speak too loud, she wasn't on the other side of the herd anymore. the little creatures crawled about as did the bigger ones. It kind of scared her, she was so used to jungle and open snow terrain rather than this thing with a bunch of animals that could attack her. Then again, she had gotten tigers where she lived, those things had been a pain in the butt to fend off, Eren had been able to get away by hiding in rivers and climbing trees though.