
Ever Come This Far [MEETING - Risen Empire, Eclipse Empire]



7 Years
03-24-2018, 07:27 PM

Zin was towards the back of the group as they traveled from her new home in the Canyon to the place where Ashiel was going to be calling the meeting. She hadn't been sure what was going on and was feeling quite out of the loop, but non the less she fallowed her new alpha without hesitation. Ashiel had invited her to join Eclipse just not long ago so she had spent most of her time so far in settling down. She hadn't gotten to know any of her fellow pack mates yet. As she fallowed her eyes looked over Ashiel then to the other members of her new home taking in their looks to memorize who they were sight wise. It wasn't long before she realized she was walking among giants. Inwardly she chuckled at herself, lowering her gaze back to the ground as she traveled.

This family was sure turning out to be something she wanted to find out more of, though if any were dangerous it would be easy for them to rip her to shreds. The only reason that thought crossed her mind was because of how large and how well build they were, each lined with powerful muscles just like a god would be. She didn't talk since the rest seemed to be silent, something was easily bothering the others and she could only assume it was a family matter, something she dared not ask about. She desired to make good impressions on all these large wolves and prove to them that she was worthy to thrive among them.

When they reached the spot Ashiel took his point and she fallowed past him then turned to face him and settled down quietly. Ashiel's call rang out calling together the two empires for a meeting. She fidgeted a bit a little on the nervous side at being at this meeting, but she tried her best to keep her calm. Her eyes curiously looked as others arrived, her eyes taking in each and every large form. To her relief at least two of the Abraxas family seemed more to her size so far which made her feel a little better. She turned her gaze back to Ash respectfully waiting for things to start.

"Speech" & 'Think'