
Hidden in the Unknown



6 Years
Extra large

03-24-2018, 09:59 PM

That grin of the man before him made him squint just briefly as he tried his best to assess it. Elias wasn't the best at reading the intentions of others in their expressions, as he was quick to assume the absolute worst. He tried his best not to see this man in any negative way, for the sake of his own sanity as he focused on the horizon instead, not wanting to stare at the man's face any longer than he had to and get the wrong idea. He was here to hunt, and.. not everyone was evil. Right?

He thought it over for a moment, thinking about the deer and their sensitive ears. They were both such large, dark wolves.. and the desert offered little to no coverage for them to sneak up on such a deer. The only thing he could think of was that their large paws could probably travel much more efficiently across the desert sands than the hooves of the deer were capable of.. but even that he was unsure on.

He smirked, "Honestly? Nope. I am a bit underprepared, I do not have any of my hunting supplies with me and this whole area... I have never hunted in a desert before, so this will be an experience. I have a feeling we will have to tire it out, and try our best to get as close as possible- though I'm not sure how well we'll be able to manage that. We could try to split up, I could do my best to get it to run in your direction and we could entrap it between us- but if it manages to outsmart us and get away, it will be a long.. hot run for all of us."

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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