
I was just leaving



5 Years
Extra large
03-24-2018, 11:51 PM (This post was last modified: 03-24-2018, 11:52 PM by Razi.)
After the meeting came to a close Razi had gone back to a very important task - picking a dang den! One might think it would be easy, for the canyon was riddled with dozens upon dozens of passable dens and passages that would certainly make great spots. Unfortunately an abundance of choices only made settling on one permanently that much more difficult. With a small headache beginning to manifest she'd decided to drop off a recently collected hide into the temporary den she'd been using during her search before heading out on patrol. A good, LONG walk might clear her mind a bit.

She made relatively good time circling the borders and freshening the scent marks, so Razi had decided to head out and do a little more exploring of the lands directly surrounding the Eclipse Empire's chosen territory. When she found herself back in the forest she thought she'd visited a time to two before,s he figured she may as well better familiarize herself with it so if she had to travel through the area she would know more of the best paths.

Several twists and turns later she had found a small stream. Or was it a river? She'd love to hear the exact point where one word fit better than the other. Stopping to take a drink, the dark woman sighed softly. She needed to do much more of this. The better she knew the area, the better she could serve her role as Ambassador. It was then that she heard someone walking nearby, pulling her attention from the stream. A pink figure appeared briefly in a break in the trees, clearly unaware of Razi. Hadn't she seen that wolf before?

Never one to be shy, she would stroll her way over to the starry-pelted lady, sanding parallel to her and eyeing the paths before them alongside the stranger. "I'd pick the one furthest to the right, it's the only one that won't dump you at the borders of the Eclipse Empire. Unless you were intending to visit the pack that rose from the ashes of your conquered home?" Why was the woman here? Was she planning on scouting out the newly formed pack? A vendetta against them for taking Talis, maybe? Razi's golden eyes narrowed a fraction, betraying her suspicion while the former Talis member scrambled to reply.
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]