
Couldn't Stay Away [Joining]



3 Years
03-25-2018, 03:54 AM
Taking in the question and digesting the pieces, Amos considered it for a long moment, not one to rush himself in serious matters like this. His answer determined his future, so he would do his best not to disappoint. ”Well…” he drawled, collecting his thoughts and organizing them before launching into his answer. ”I suppose my target could be dependant on my opponent as much as my avenue for executing it. For someone larger than me, or even similarly sized, I might focus on the throat, especially if I or they started things off with a shoulder slam since it would bring us both in close. I might try to get lower then them, in order to get a better angle when I strike. I’d probably want to pay close attention to protecting my face and my own vitals, keeping my chin tucked over my own throat to the best of my ability so it doesn’t become an easy target, narrowing my eyes and flattening my ears to keep them out of harm's way especially if I’m close to my opponents face. A good hold of their throat would be an east way to disable them whether through lethal force or possibly causing them to pass out from lack of air with the right hold.” He canted his head and considered for a moment other options, adding, ”One could also go lower though if you’re quick enough, but I have to admit personally that might require a greater deal of accuracy and knowledge of in-depth anatomy than I claim to possess to get a lethal hit in.” He was generally confident in his own abilities, but also wasn’t egotistical enough to overstate what he could do.

Eyes flicked skyward, watching clouds roll by slowly across the blue expanse of the sky while he continued, ”With a smaller opponent, it might be easiest and smartest to attack from above and attempt to get one’s jaws around some point in their spine or neck. I suppose you’d want to protect your own throat in that scenario lest they have similar lines of thinking, so again a well tucked chin is a good idea. I suppose even your own body position could minimize your risk if one kept themselves perpendicular to the smaller opponent getting at the spine would be easier while keeping vital areas on one’s own body further from harm’s way. A well placed bite or a firm grip and some effort and you could partially paralyze them.”

One of the clouds reminded him vaguely of a mushroom, rounded with a short line sprouting from it. It made him feel ill the more he looked at it, so he turned his eyes back to Regulus once more as a weak smile played at his lips. ”Of course, I think those are both pretty familiar angles and not uncommon targets. Personally a concept I found interesting and one which could work with any sized opponent would be capturing an enemy’s lower jaw on your own jaws. You might take some damage, but if you can get hold of their lower jaw you could control their head and limit their movements. It would also land one in a position where their enemy can no longer bite, and, gruesome thought as it may be, with some twisting you could mangle or break it and make them more or less useless in a fight as the pain would be horrendous. If it didn't heal right then even if the injury itself didn’t kill them they might not be able to eat and would perish. There might not be a good way to avoid injuries yourself entirely, but narrowing one;s eyes and protecting vitals like the throat as well as rolling up your scruff to push fat and skin over possible targets of attack are a good idea. That, and keeping your balance since I’m sure there might be some thrashing and panic if you got someone in a hold like that.
[Image: Yos2LI0.png?1]