
Ever Come This Far [MEETING - Risen Empire, Eclipse Empire]



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
03-26-2018, 07:23 PM

Ashiel let his heart hammer away in his chest as he took a few deep breaths. He knew this was somewhat uncouth to parade right into his sister pack's territory and call them all to meeting but when his mind got focused on a task it was difficult for him to pull his thoughts away. Besides, his mother was next to him and if it were not for her concern he'd have been much more patient and steady about the whole thing. Ashiel let out a sigh of relief as he saw Malleus. Thank the fallen god! As long as Malleus was around that meant that Risen was stable, for if Amon had left there was no doubt in Ashiel's mind that Malleus would take the reigns and lead them well. "It is good to see you Malleus and a relief. I will explain when the others get here. I have a question for you and a few matters to discuss as a united front."

One by one the family and the pack collected and while it was not everyone it was a good start. "Thank you everyone for coming. I know this was rather forward of me but Pyralis had been trying to find Amon for a… mission." A mission that was probably more horse-play and his mother's special brand of madness but that was beside the point. "She has not been able to locate him and neither had I so I thought you might know what has become of him." He glanced to Pyralis to offer her words and he nodded before turning to Malleus. "Malleus, do you know what has become of Amon and if he might require any back up? If all is well with Risen I thought we might also discuss our plans for the future and if we wish to try and hold the Starlit Race." The new moon closest to the solstice was coming but as Ashiel was unfamiliar with the festival he wasn't comfortable holding it without Amon. His mother knew some but tradition was not her strong point.

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.