
I've got a dark alley and a bad idea that says u should shut ur mouth



3 Years
03-26-2018, 08:04 PM
A slight bow would be his way of response. ”First move’s yours, then.” After that he’d get serious, grin turning to a snarl as he set his defences and prepared for her inevitable approach. Shoulders rolled forward, hackles raised, scruff rolled up to push fat and skin over his vitals. Chin tucking, eyes narrowing, legs sliding equidistant apart and knees bending to lower his center of gravity. Tail and head moved eve with his spine, and he was ready.

”Come at me!”

Studying her, Amos tried to guess her first move. He had the advantage in height and weight here, slight as it may be it was something. When she struck off, surging towards him in a powerful motion Amos matched her movement, pushing off powerfully with his hind legs and moving to meet her. As she moved in for the shoulder slam he saw her shift to his right and so he would angle his own body more to his left, lessening the impact as the attack hit the body area of his shoulder more than his chest, leaving behind some moderate bruising despite his efforts.

Getting close wasn’t bad though, it gave him as much opportunity to damage his opponent as it did her the chance to get him. He just had to do a better job. He didn’t react in time to the bite, and he winced as her fangs dug into into his upper leg, sinking in and giving him what he was sure would be some fun to tend puncture wounds though they were mild without too much force. Using the closeness of their positioning and her vulnerable position, Amos’ jaws parted and he sought to bite her neck right where it met the base of her skull. Upper jaw aiming for the left side of her neck and lower for the right, hoping to get a firm grip and limit her movement if he could manage a hold.

Amos vs Sathanus for Spar
Round 1 of 2
Height: 36 inches
Build: Heavy
[Image: Yos2LI0.png?1]