
I home to be mine [Ashiel]



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
03-26-2018, 08:34 PM
Swallow the Sun

Ashiel gazed down is nose at the begging mortal. If he had any interest in taking a slave or a punching bag perhaps he could work with this but Ashiel was not particularly interested in maintaining a slave himself. He couldn't remember what specifically Nura and Nowa wanted in test subjects. He'd be surprised though if the man was able to wander around in one piece. Something about an intact male slave just wandering about didn't settle well with him either and he didn't really care to castrate anyone today. The mortal really should be grateful. Either way, Ashiel needed to make sure he asked his aunts what they needed for the next time around, but it didn't change the matter. Ashiel was up to his eyeballs in skilled healers of his own family. His lips drew up past his gleaming ivory fangs. "I have plenty of healers who have been blessed by the fallen god and a limited space in which to grow my pack. Your services are not needed. Now, I will tell you again. Remove yourself from my presence or I will remove part of you and give it to my aunts as a souvenir." His hackles raised, ears pinning tightly to his head as he snarled, making it clear that if the other did not clear out he'd have to fight the alpha and Ashiel would make sure to leave the man writhing on the ground.

-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.