
I Dun Wanna!



10 Years
Dragon Mod
03-27-2018, 05:52 PM

The male sighed at his sister's response, he would have protested but he knew it would be pointless. He considered taking the children himself, but as a loner...He figured it would be hard taking care of three children without the protection of a pack. He felt like he was at a loss, Amber gaze looking towards his sister. "I beg you to reconsider, they could carry on father's work if you taught them how--" His words were cut short when she growled, snapping words right back at him. "And what!? Just so those Adravendi scum can come and throw their self righteousness around and do what they did with father's pack!?"

He quieted. Did she care? He couldn't tell, but he figured she did in some way, shape, or form to have said that. "We'll get our revenge on them, when the time is right. Though it would help to have a pack, don't you think?" He was met with a shrug, so he decided to leave it at that. Attention turned towards the kids as they all decided to come over and ask if he'd brought them anything. They didn't have names since his sister decided they weren't even worth the time to name, so he made his own names for them. "Of course I brought you something, little princess,

He stepped away for a moment to retrieve the kill he had brought for them. He knew the midnight child was always hungry, and they would have fun with the young stag he had brought down. Dragging it back to them, he dropped it in front of them, "A feast fit for the little princess and the princes! You can chew and play with the antlers when you're done eating, and after you're done I'll take you all on a little adventure, if you want." He sat back, urging them to eat their fill.

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'


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