
Grumpy Ol' Badger

Zephyr I


10 Years
03-27-2018, 07:46 PM
Staying in Abaven was going surprisingly well for Zephyr and his family. At first, the elder male had been skeptical, but time had proven him wrong - not that he'd openly admit that. It was a decent pack, quiet enough that he hoped it wouldn't drawn attention, and a decent place for Caelestis to grow. Not many troublemakers, that he could see, and enough older wolves that would gladly keep an eye on her through all her mischief. He was grateful to hear nothing more of the Abraxas, and though he promised he would only run from them again if it was the absolute last option, he fully intended to keep that open as an option if they decided to return.

One thing that seemed to be bothering Caelum, though, was the absence of Inverno. He'd been scolded thoroughly over leaving him to fight, but then again... it was his fault for not running right along with him. Wasn't like I would've stopped him from running behind me, he thought bitterly to himself as he wandered the lands surrounding Abaven. Still, it worried Caelum that he might not have fared well from the fight.. and Zephyr would be a fool to argue with her.

At least it earned him an afternoon to himself.. not that he particularly enjoyed time away from his family. After so many years away from Caelum he didn't exactly crave alone time, and he loved Caelestis too much to ever honestly want a break from her, even if she did exhaust him both physically and emotionally sometimes.

His thoughts were mostly on his family as he wove through the expanse of willow trees. His nose twitched as he sniffed at the ground - finally catching on to a familiar scent. Damn, the old man was still alive? He supposed Inverno had similar sentiments about him, though. Huffing slightly to himself, he grabbed hold of the scent and followed it to the source. It wasn't all that surprising, when he finally saw Inverno, that he looked terrible - emaciated and unwell, and not at like he'd been taking care of himself. For fuck's sake, Vern, he thought to himself, frowning as he barked out a greeting and made to approach as he slunk into what looked like a den.

As he drew closer, it become more apparent that his state was even worse than he'd originally anticipated. What the hell had happened to his eye? His brow furrowed as he gave him a good look over. "I see you made it out in once piece," Zephyr shot him gruffly as he stopped at the mouth of his makeshift den, peering inside. "Er.. mostly." His words weren't completely unkindly, but they were certainly far from cordial. Caelum had only ask that he look for Inverno, not that he treat him as though he was his best friend - so Zephyr had great liberty in acting however the hell he wanted to. Within reason, of course.

"Talk" "You" Think