
Among The Lilacs and Lilies



4 Years
Extra large
03-27-2018, 09:26 PM

He was really becoming rather fond of the south so far and almost felt that there would be no need to look elsewhere to begin his plans of starting a pack. There was no pack claims in the south and it had such rich territory that he felt a pack could easily thrive here. So he had begun setting things up, first by making a hidden den for a collective herb and treasure stock, making a separate den for meats and prey items, then lastly a den of his own. He had picked Weeping woods for all this and though he had spent several days of hard work he was glad to finally have it accomplished.

Today he was taking a more laid back approach to his day and would continue to gather things that could be used for trade. It was key in his plans for the pack, making alliances and trade routes among other packs to help ensure the survival of his own pack. He had a few things already worth trading for, but he had to make sure he had things that other packs desired, so today's focus would be herbs. Coming from a large family of healers he was able to recognize plants that were used, but since he never had the interest he didn't always know what the uses of them were.

He had decided to hit the prairie first and see what all he could drum up in the vegetation there. He had been here all morning so far, carefully digging up the plants he recognized and putting them away in his leather bag. His ears then caught the sound of someone nearby and he lifted himself from the plant he was currently digging out. He saw a sandy golden form not far from him and he barked out letting her know of his presence. He quickly finished up before heading in the direction of the other wolf.

"Hello there!" he called out when he was a lot closer, his tail wagging in a friendly greeting.

"Branch Talk", & 'Branch Think'