
Thick skin and an elastic heart



10 Years
Athena I
03-28-2018, 08:36 AM

The few moments of silence that hung in the air between when she spoke and when he finally lifted his head to look at her felt like it stretched on forever when in reality it was maybe a handful of seconds. His red gaze connected with hers and it occurred to her that maybe she should have started with something more normal and less potential insulting or provoking. She was just glad that when he spoke he didn’t seem bothered by the question too much. Her brows lifted with surprise as he satisfied her curiosity and her eyes flickered to the scars again while she imagined how big that bear must have been. She wanted to ask if his brother had scars like that too, but she didn’t want to push her luck just in case his brother hadn’t gotten that lucky.

At his question her gaze was pulled back up to his and she nodded easily to confirm his observation. “Not rude at all, I don’t mind. Yeah, I’m albino.” It was something she had pretty much come to terms with and she liked how she looked for the most part. Being different than everyone else in her life had bothered her when she was younger, but not so much any more. She just wished she knew why she was the only one. There had to be more albino wolves out there in the world, but she had never met them. Besides the albino lion she had encountered once in her childhood she had never seen anyone else that matched her.

After a moment of thought she finally pulled herself back to the present and refocused her attention back to the male in front of her. “Sorry, I guess I should introduce myself, huh? I’m Báine. Sorry for just barging in with my questions.”

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