
Vivienne female two [Actual joining app]



3 Years
03-28-2018, 10:21 PM (This post was last modified: 03-31-2018, 12:41 PM by Vivienne.)

Out-of-Character Name:

Character's Name:
Character Age:
3 {{Already aged}}
Season of Birth:
Adult Height:
Appearance Description:

 The woman is a beautiful one, and these lady knows it. She loves how her eyes complement her favorite herbs, lilacs and lavenders. As she was a canvas she likes how her base is a medium gray, as it soaks through her thick fur. The colors darken down her legs, slowly turning to a deep gray. Right before the toes they turn to white that endlessly great color, that stays right at the tips. Her nails are a  even darker grey, and as  the pads of the womans are only a shade darker. The woman middle of gravity is a light shade of gray turning darker as it reaches her maw, the womans face is painted white the mask forms a single line that curves that makes it look like a frown in always on her face. As it curves back over her eyes down the crise of her brows then back around to do the same to the other side. Around the eyes, and on the brow is the same shade of grey that paints her ears and stomach. As you reach her dainty nose a light shade of grey, but quickly blends back to the white. As the mask blends away into a darker grey, darker than her grey base. Her neck forms a dorsal stripe but is cut in half as a white line turns around her neck like a chocker.
Broken, lost;
 The woman has been a broken soul, she hopes that she can at least be someones special one but she is scared she'll be rejected and because of that she is scared of telling her crush her feeling. She would've never felt this pain if it wasn't because when she was young she told her crush, and he tried to kill her. She ran from her homeland and fell in love with the world of Ardent, the world is now her home and she hopes she can adventure the whole world. And with that she walks the world, that she loves keeping her broken & lost self hidden from the world. She wants to find true love that's her only goal, other than that she is a free soul. She suffers from bipolar, and is known to have aggrasive outbursts. And because of these condition she trys, to stay away from others when she as a episode. Other than that she can be a very, kind wolf. She loves to play with pups and, she has never been known to have a episode around them it kinda like her chill pill.
Healer & fighter
Proof of Purchases: Odd markings Link!~

For Vivienne, by bear!