
Rat Race



6 Years
Extra large

03-31-2018, 07:58 PM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2018, 06:29 AM by Elias.)

For being so hot and desolate, the desert areas of the south held surprisingly more prey than he was previously aware of before his stay. The capybara that seemed to inhabit the areas around Rio Grande certainly were among his favorite to hunt. They were fat, oversized rats with massive bodies, and they seemed relatively.. slow.

He had been picking off young ones seeking water from the Grande for about a week now, though they appeared to be getting smarter- moving further away from his chosen hunting grounds. He was scouting along the water's edge when he came across the faint scent of something unmistakable, one of his and Storm's long lost sons.

His beating heart drummed within his chest as his ears became incredibly tuned to their surroundings, even his claws suddenly became more aware of the clay beneath them as they tore through the terrain with each step. The lean wolf's usually relaxed and free movements began to become more choreographed, his muscles trained to precisely place each step for as much stealth as he was capable of. He was hunting capybara still, yes... however he prioritized the sight of his unknown son quite heavily above that. What would he even say if he saw him, what would he do...? Was this the one that led the pack Storm and Acere had told him about? He had so many questions already, and he didn't even know what this one looked like.

He listened to the sound of disturbed water as he moved down the bank, his ears flicking as his ruby gaze drifted to the other side of the river. One of the capybaras was climbing out of the water, and it appeared that he was in the wake of Cloud, just on the opposite side. His square muzzle lifted slightly as he thought, pausing in his steps as he observed the other for the moment.

He took in the white and gray colorations of the younger male, reminding him surprisingly of his half-brother, Acere. It was enough to curve the edge of his lips as he admired the strength quite obviously hidden in those bones. He cleared his throat finally, breaking the silence as he let out a wolven growl of a bark carry across the water to alert Cloud of his presence.

Without warning, Elias dove into the water, ready to catch the capybara if it chose to swim in to get away from Cloud. Though, there was another reason for him submerging himself, to hide his unmistakable scent for the time being. "Don't let it get away," he commanded. "They swim fast for as fat as they are, if he runs I'll grab him."

Medium Prey Hunt | Capybara | Round One

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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