
I'll eat you whole



11 Years
Athena I
07-05-2013, 10:00 PM

The white fea watched as her companion came to her aid, attacking the brute that had injured her leg with the full force of his body, quickly injuring the darker brute greatly. She had no time to thank him however as the wolf that first snapped at her neck came at her again. He dove at her, barreling into her shoulder and knocking her off her feet. A deep growl echoed in her chest, snapping at his neck as he pinned her down on her back. The brute's jaws landed a blow to her shoulder, his teeth sinking into her flesh and sending blood across her white coat. She clenched her teeth against the pain and jabbed her paw into his throat, cutting off the flow of air and making him release her shoulder. She lunged forward, ignoring the fiery pain in her shoulder, and managing to finally land a solid bite to his throat, wasting no time to jerk back, taking a bite of his windpipe with her. She pushed the now dying brute off of her and rolled back onto her feet, stumbling a bit when she realized that her left shoulder and right back leg were now both badly wounded.

She quickly assessed the scene before her, watching as Demonio took out one of their attackers, leaving three of the five wolves left alive, one of them badly wounded. She was panting hard from the pain radiating from her shoulder and back leg, but she pushed through it to stand by the white brute, crouching into a defensive stance again. Apparently the wounded rouge had a death wish, because he took a chance trying to attack Alena. By now she was furious and channeled that rage into dodging the wolf and knocking him to the ground with her forepaws, quickly dispatching him with a hard bite to the neck. Then there was two. The white fea was badly bloodied and limping as she turned to face the last attackers, refusing to leave Demonio's side despite her injuries.
